GLOBAL vision


A MAP company, “MAP International, Inc.,” is a unique business that combines the elements of a bed and breakfast, music studio, live events venue, and merchandising company, with additional operations in sound recordings, music production, licensing, and product placement. We currently have locations in Atlanta, Havana, and London, and we are seeking an investment to expand MAP operations and create a docu-series that will showcase MAP business and the unique experiences we offer to MAP guests.

Business Overview:

  • MAP bed and breakfast locations offer comfortable accommodation for travelers, with a focus on culture, creatives, and music lovers. Guests can stay in rooms and each location has its own recording studio and live events venue.
  • MAP recording studio and music production facilities are available for both MAP guests and local musicians to use, providing a unique opportunity for those in the music industry to collaborate and create new music.
  • MAP live events venues host concerts, music festivals, and other events that showcase the local music scene and attract visitors from all over the world.
  • MAP merchandising operation sells music-related items, including albums and merchandise from local and international musicians, as well as merchandise from MAP own events.


  • We propose to create a docu-series that follows the daily operations of MAP business and the unique experiences of MAP guests.
  • The series will showcase the diverse music scenes in Atlanta, Havana, and London, and will highlight the local musicians who use MAP facilities.
  • It will also feature guest musicians who come to MAP locations to record and perform, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the music-making process.
  • This docu-series will be pitched to major streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, to maximize its reach and impact.


  • We are seeking an investment of 10,000,000 (2M/YEAR for 5 YEARS) to expand our operations and create the docu-series.
  • This investment will be used to open new locations, improve existing facilities, and produce the docu-series.
  • We anticipate a strong return on investment, as MAP’s unique business model and the success of the docu-series will attract more guests, musicians, and visitors to MAP locations.


“MAP International, Inc.” offers a unique and exciting business opportunity, combining the elements of a bed and breakfast, music studio, live events venue, and merchandising company. With the addition of a docu-series, we believe we can attract a wider audience and showcase the diverse music scenes in Atlanta, Havana, and London.